Thursday, February 2, 2017

LAX Immigration Ban Protests

It was a busy weekend for me covering protests at LAX. I was on assignment shooting basic footage of the protests. Per usual, I did my best to use it as an opportunity to photograph what was going on. 

This time, I even juggled a Facebook live stream as 25 detainees were released from LAX. Adding to that, I also try and send out updates via Twitter, which means I've always got something I'm doing out there. It's a lot to juggle, and sometimes it doesn't work out all that well, but I felt good about the work I did covering the protests.

It was also pretty incredible to be able to walk on the road at LAX without a vehicle near me. Anyone who's been at LAX knows the madhouse it is trying to navigate traffic there. I think one of the strangest parts of covering the protest was just how normal things could seem when the protestors were around the bend. Traffic was light, but you couldn't hear the chanting and it was almost like a normal day. If you didn't have to complete the loop, you might never know that there was actually thousands of people protesting just down the way.

Strange things. 

Anyways, here's a wide edit of the evening. Thanks for looking.

And reading.

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